Here we are half a century - young

Of course, we don't want to lag behind the World either: the new Statutes of the MJGK adopted by the General Assembly last December faithfully reflect the changes and developments of the past decades. However, our basic goal remains the same: we want to informally bring together natural and legal persons interested in Japan - Hungary, interested in club life, and thereby promote and develop international economic relations, especially between Japan and Hungary. Perhaps we can modestly contribute - in addition to economic activity - to the development of cultural and other relations, in which the club-like operation and thus the personal and friendly relations formed in the Club help us. We strive to fulfill a kind of good service mission in the development of economic relations between Japan and Hungary through "white table diplomacy", but we do not in any way seek to interfere in the otherwise well-functioning relationship building at the level of government relations, in the maintenance of official relations, which of course does not preclude it , so that our club members - based on their own sovereign decision - join a high-level government delegation!


In spite of or perhaps because we strive to maintain the exclusivity of the Club, we do not strive for hegemony! We know that there are Japanese-Hungarian/Hungarian-Japanese Friendship Societies in both Japan and Hungary, and many other organizations, private enterprises and individuals are working to build and develop relations between the two countries. At this point, we must definitely underline the very great importance of the fact that, from the point of view of the Hungarian economy, around 200 Japanese companies in Hungary employ more than 30,000 people, thus contributing to the predictable livelihood security of tens of thousands of Hungarian families. This is also why we want to maintain and develop the relationship system established with the Hungarian Association of Japanese Entrepreneurs.


We believe that in today's highly complicated and conflict-ridden world, Japan is still an island of balanced peace and prosperity, even though it is struggling with well-known economic problems elsewhere. As a member of the European Union, Hungary can count on the successful implementation of the Japanese experience and overcoming economic difficulties. In order to learn about these experiences, we consider our existing and future relationships with Japanese businesses and entrepreneurial organizations to be good, and their development is to gain on-site experience, either in Hungary or in Japan. In the case of the latter, the staff of the Hungarian embassies will certainly help us, as they have done so far.


The above perhaps gives us the basis for our hope that, in addition to economic diplomacy, the MJGK has managed and will succeed in bringing many Hungarian characteristics to Japan, making the lives of our Japanese friends more beautiful and richer.

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